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 Cancer is not a specific disease but a set of diseases. It directly affects the growth of abnormal cells. They grow in abundance and beat our immune system. Our body is made up of living cells and dies. They are replenished by new cells. This cycle lasts a lifetime, but in the event of cancer, these cells do not die and continue to grow in size. They are not needed by the body but they are still there. It is important to check it in time to avoid attacks.

There are more than 100 different types of cancer known to humans. They can come from both men and women. Some of them are about the same sex as the organ is not found in the other. Two common examples are breast cancer in women and prostate cancer. There are no specific causes for cancer. It occurs when there are changes in the DNA of the cells. This DNA is inside a large number of genes that inform cells to perform certain functions. But if there is a problem with connectivity, the cell has the potential for cancer. Not only do they allow the rapid growth of these cells but they also fail to stop their uncontrolled growth.

There are two main causes of genetic mutation -

• Changes that have taken place since birth

These changes are present in the body from the time of birth. You are born with them and you can inherit from your parents. But only a small percentage of cancers are caused by it.

• Genetics that occur after birth

This is great in number and form after birth. It can be caused by lifestyle choices or the side effects of a particular disease.

The most dangerous thing about cancer is that there is no specific reason. There are several risk factors associated with this disease but isolating them all can cause cancer. Some of the common risk factors are as follows -

• Age - it takes a long time for most cancers to develop and show symptoms. They may be present in the body for some time but the symptoms are only shown when they have reached the advanced stage.

• Many life options are considered risky. It includes smoking and drinking alcohol on a regular basis.

• Excessive exposure to the skin is a leading cause of skin cancer. It causes sunburn and blisters on the body.

• Small parts of the cancer are also inherited by family members. The risk increases when one or more close members suffer from it.

• Obesity causes many weight problems that are directly related to the disease. Fat cells are present in the immune system, which controls the growth of cancer cells.

• The environment also causes other problems. Even if you do not smoke, cigarette smoke can be harmful.

There should be regular cancer screening if you think some of the above risks apply to you. The most common treatments are -

• Chemotherapy

This treatment uses drugs to kill the growth of cancer cells. A single drug or combination of therapies may be used. But as it kills cells very quickly, it can damage other nearby cells. It can be given before surgery or after surgery or as an alternative.

• Radiation Therapy

It kills the affected cells by using high-powered x-ray and other radiation methods. More than half of all cancer patients receive periodic radiation treatment.

• Surgery

Surgery is surgery to remove a tumor. The goals of surgery vary. It is used not only to treat the disease but also to diagnose it. Stage is a type of surgery performed to determine the size of a tumor

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