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 COVID - 19

The epidemic in human history has always led to unexplained and sometimes incomparable problems that would require great intellectuals to provide solutions. Investigators are good opportunists who do not give up in their efforts to further investigate 'what', 'when', 'who', and 'how' in all cases to bring relief to humanity. In the current emergence, researchers in various fields need to think about how to provide a new lens to understand the disease and most importantly to provide emergency solutions to the associated challenges that threaten human resources to survive.


Since the outbreak of the global COVID-19 epidemic, scholars in the field of Health and Allied Sciences have begun investigating etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, histopathology, clinical / medical / management / diagnostic and COVID-19 diagnoses. . Research into the work of experts in this field shows the great contributions of Asian researchers, especially those from China, where the outbreak began. These hardworking researchers have never compromised in their efforts to find a cure for the virus. These remarkable researchers continue to follow this trend even under dangerous working conditions that have resulted in the loss of others. They have shown and truly demonstrated what researchers should always do in the search for solutions to relieve other people's pain even in times of epidemic. However, there is much to be done for our foreign counterparts. There is a need for medical scientists to investigate the sequence of the novel coronavirus in different regions of the world. Interestingly, some medical professionals are investigating this phenomenon in order to learn more about the coronavirus, suggesting preventive measures and, most importantly, finding a cure and vaccine to combat it completely. For example, while medical scientists are searching inside the orthodox medicine lens, herbalists are experimenting with ways to use herbal remedies to produce a drug that can boost the immune system and / or provide a strong immune system to fight coronavirus. These efforts are commendable. Much work needs to be done to find more effective ways to perform tests on COVID-19 patients, to perform contact follow-up, and coronavirus monitoring / prevention measures.

Researchers in the field of Engineering, particularly Computer and Mechanical Engineering are developing technologies to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Digital technologies such as drones and robots designed and used internationally, summarizing, hand-crafted lockdowns. Similarly, mobile technologies such as the development of new contacts tracking applications for COVID-19 patients and their contacts are being developed. For example, MIT researchers are developing a system based on artificial intelligence to complement the communication tracking made by public health workers who rely on temporary Bluetooth signals from smartphones. In South Africa, ambulances have been provided with automatic testing kits and laboratory services developed as a result of diligent research efforts being used to diagnose and track people with COVID-19 even in remote, hard-to-reach areas. In Ghana, the Department of Health recently launched a COVID-19 program to track people who are infected or have been in contact with carriers of the COVID-19 virus. This technology has been developed as a result of the intensive studies of other mechanical and computer hardware engineers and software engineers who are being deployed to assist in the fight against COVID-19. Many technological tools are still needed to combat the coronavirus and dedicated researchers in the field of engineering sit at the table investigating this potential.

Agricultural researchers have a great deal of research to do in their cell. The closure has resulted in a record high post-harvest losses in countries. What are some effective ways to reduce post-harvest losses during epidemics and landfills? How can farmers use online marketing strategies and customer engagement platforms to manage their products to prevent high financial losses? What can the Department of Food and Agriculture do to help these poor farmers cope with the crisis? What are some practical ways that a perishable farm product can be processed into non-perishable products by food production companies? These are excellent themes that should be investigated by farmers during this outbreak. Sadly, studies in these areas are still going on.

The tourism and hospitality sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 epidemic. Many scheduled trips and tourist activities have been canceled due to travel restrictions and bans. It is estimated that the global tourism industry will lose up to almost two million dollars. This is a time when researchers in tourism management and hospitality can look at practical ways to market these tourist attractions through intensive research on smart tourism and e-Tourism. This growing field of tourism has received little attention, especially in developing lands. This epidemic should be a time when researchers in the field will find ways to increase public awareness of smart tourism and e-Tourism.

Social Sciences and Humanities such as social scientists, human scientists and theologians are tasked with investigating the social effects of the COVID-19 outbreak as ways to address social anxiety as a result of the epidemic. Also, an examination of the economic impacts of COVID-19 on business operations, the need to start an e-business, e-marketing, e-banking and other technical means of conducting business operations are important topics to consider. Social and cultural scientists should look at the cultural and social perspectives of diverse people around the world about the coronavirus and recommend the use of culturally appropriate interventions to combat the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. Similarly, psychiatrists and psychologists must propose ways to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder from isolation, as well as discrimination and discrimination against COVID-19 patients and their relatives.

In addition, this is the time for education professionals to come up with effective ways to conduct online learning through a variety of learning management systems, intelligent teaching programs, and social media platforms. Artists should produce animated cartoons and other types of symbols with e formats that will be developed online to combat myths and misinformation about COVID-19 treatment and the need to eliminate all forms of discrimination and discrimination against people tested for COVID-19. After all, this is a time when researchers in all fields of study should work together to investigate more ways to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.

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